#PorLosNiños #EducationCannotWait
800 indigenous and migrant girls, boys and adolescents, enrolled in the Ethno-educational Centers and Educational Institutions of Maicao and Riohacha, received from World Vision and Education Cannot Wait (ECW) school kits with pedagogical material to develop at home under the ‘accelerated learning’ methodology.

800 school kits and food packages were delivered within the framework of the ‘Access to Quality Education’ project, developed jointly with ECW, which seeks to improve the access to quality, protective and equitable education for girls, boys and adolescents from migrant and host communities.
This action will allow children and adolescent to continue their school processes safely at home, with the virtual support and guidance of teachers linked to the Ethno-educational Centers and Educational Institutions of La Guajira. In addition, the most vulnerable families in the region, affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic, received support in food security.
Photo: 800 school kits delivered within the framework of the ‘Access to Quality Education’ project.
For World Vision and its allies, the current situation the most vulnerable children and adolescents are facing in the emergency caused by the new coronavirus and its collateral effects is alarming. They limit the access of hundreds of families to economic resources and essential goods.
This is a situation that puts children and adolescents at risk, increasing their exposure to multiple vulnerabilities such as lack of schooling, malnutrition, labor exploitation, begging, abuse, mistreatment or any type of physical, psychological or sexual violence, as warned in the report: “Time is running out – collateral effects of COVID-19”.
Photo: In the implementation of the COVID-19 Strategic Emergency Response Plan World Vision has allowed to develop 3,635 education campaigns.
Articulation with the COVID-19 Response Plan
For the NGO, the emergency generated by the new coronavirus has represented a transformation in the way of carrying out all its humanitarian and development activities with the most vulnerable communities in the country. It has adopted biosafety protocols and has worked in coordination with national and local authorities, civil society organizations and national and international donors, in the implementation of the COVID-19 Strategic Emergency Response Plan.
This plan has allowed World Vision to develop 3,635 education campaigns, provide learning materials to develop at home to 22,800 children and adolescents, and deliver 4,722 recreational and educational protection kits.